
ipu with ki leaves

As part of its annual enrollment process,

Kawaikini must determine the number of spaces in each grade level that are available for new applications. Returning haumāna are not required to re-submit an application for enrollment, however, they must indicate their commitment to re-enroll as part of a re-enrollment process. To indicate your intention to re-enroll your child at Kawaikini, please fill out the following form and return it to the office no later than February 16, 2024.

Downloadable Application

Re-enrollment Application

Please list the child’s name currently enrolled in Kawaikini who will be continuing their enrollment:
By re-enrolling my child in Kawaikini, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

• The Hawaiian language is the primary language at Kawaikini. Hawaiian will be spoken (to the extent possible) by everyone on campus and, during periods of Hawaiian instruction, it will be the sole language of the classroom. This means that Kawaikini students will use Hawaiian while on school grounds and while participating in Kawaikini activities.

• Kawaikini parents will attend all mandatory meetings (quarterly school-wide meetings and parent-teacher conferences).

• Everyone has a different level of success, but we can all strive to exhibit our personal best at all times. This means that Kawaikini students will come to school regularly and work hard to achieve their own personal best in all areas of school.

• Kawaikini parents set goals (Hawaiian language, health, school support, and academic) through the ʻohana plan.

• Kawaikini parents will participate in Kawaikini activities and help at the school as able.

• The health and wellness of our ‘ohana learning community is very important at Kawaikini. This means that Kawaikini students will follow rules of good nutrition while at school and participate in daily exercise activities.


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K3-1821-J Kaumualiʻi Hwy., Lihuʻe HI 96766

Office Hours: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm daily


We are an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) go to
