Nū hou (News)

ipu with ki leaves

T-Shirt Ordering for SY 2020-2021

May 18, 2020

Aloha e ka ‘ohana!
We have begun the sale of uniform shirts for the 2020-21 school year! Please see the below flyer for information on how to order.  The due date is June 12 to ensure they will arrive at school ahead of the first day of the school year. 
Please note, there are 2 different prices reflected for your 2 choices of delivery.  You can send to the school for no charge or pay an additional fee to have your shirts delivered straight to your house.

1) go to website www.kulathreads.com and choose Kawaikini School (elementary, middle or high)
2) click on a regular t-shirt (brown or teal)
3) scroll down that page until you see the starter packages offered (either ship to home or ship to school)
4) choose a package or purchase or an individual shirt according to your mailing preferences (shipping is calculated in the price already)

Please see flyers:
Elementary Shirt Flyer
Secondary Shirt Flyer


Donation button image


K3-1821-J Kaumualiʻi Hwy., Lihuʻe HI 96766

Office Hours: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm daily


We are an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) go to https://bit.ly/FERPAHI